Ahhh great, Valentine's Day!!! The day of the cheese. The epitome of schmuck. The day in which you get to see couples crowding every 2nd rate restaurant and hotel in the land just because Clinton's told them to do so. And the next day it's back to chinese take aways and "early night"s. I can hear some saying "oh but it's an opportunity to cherish the beauty and warmth of love, to feel unashamedly in love, and to show it out to everybody." bla bla bla. No people all you cherish is the tills of Messrs DeBeers, Harvey Nichols and Lord Selfridge. How many of you wanted to give a beautiful ring to your beloved on 28th of January and then thought "Well Valentine's is coming, I better wait so that I won't have to buy another thing on the day." Himm? Tell me. If you did, yours is not true love. Plain and simple.
OK now that we took care of the cynical commenting I can explain how I really felt at the end of the day. Well, a bit sad, which wasn't surprising. I said to myself, you feel sad because nobody called and celebrated your Valentine's Day (OK to their credit Edi&Budu called, but, although sweet, it just doesn't count) I thought about my other friends who are single at the moment and which, didn't receive a call as well. So I decided to call them and celebrate their Valentine's Day; this way we 'd be able to share our sadness and feel much better. And it worked. They sounded really happy at the other end of the phone. And I was happy, too because I had made another person happy, which was the whole point of today, wasn't it?
(NB: I only called the girls though. The boys would probably shut the phone on my face ^_^)
Spotted today:
- Shoplifter grabbing a handful of Brit Awards Nominees CDs from the HMV in Piccadilly and walking pass the sensors only by holding them above his head. Helpfully, but unwittingly, held the door to the guy as well.
- Read standing: Issues 3-4 of manga Demon Diary (feature article being planned)