Saturday, July 03, 2004


Oh my first post, am I excited. Actually no I'm not. Because this exactly feels like talking to myself; just slower, as I have to type. Well at least it's less embarrasing and I can do this in front of other people without branded a lost case. Another plus side is as I'm writing this post on a laptop I look like I'm writing an important article or an intimate mail to one of my friends or some other creative and useful thing. Whereas all I'm doing is air.

Well this never stopped me in the past, though. So time to cut the self-critizing a little. I don't want two people who will see this post to take me as some kind of an amateur, now do I?

One question on my mind as I'm writing this message is, funnily enough, why is this called blogging? OK I figured that it's probably related to logging, which is also a stupid case in itself. What has cut tree trunks to do with entering data I'll never know. (Not that I'm dying of curiosity anyway)

I suddenly got a horrible thought in my head. What if I write all these lines and when I press Publish that lovely IE page comes up. You know the one that says something like The webpage you are looking for is not available. I've always hated that. I'm sure you are familiar with it too. You write this really long and emotional e-mail to your friend or mom and when you hit Send BLAM! Nothing! And suddenly all the air in your lungs disappears and you know how it would feel to breathe in space. You try half heartedly to write the mail again but after two lines you just give up and go to bed at 11 in the morning.

So in order to protect this message from that fate:Ctrl+A and Ctrl+C. OK now I'm relieved. Whew! That made me really nervous.

That previes button on top is very handy by the way. I found 3 spelling mistakes. I don't want to presnt myelf as an ilterate 12 year old to the outside word.

Now that's enough for the first post I guess. See you later in the second post, coming in to all theatres near you in 2005.

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