Sunday, July 04, 2004


Oh my, second post. Naaah this is getting boring. I have to find another opening line. I'll think of something for the third one.

Well nothing really to write about for today. The London weather didn't really inspire me to go outdoors.(For the record, it is cloudy,drizzly,windy and rainy) So I made the best out of staying indoors and watched the Wimbledon Mens Singles' final. I've always enjoyed watching tennis. I just deleted an entire paragraph because it started to sound like a sports column in a tabloid. It was very impersonal. So my personal thoughts on the match; it was fun. Thats it. There was nothing better to watch on the other channels anyway. So there you have it.

And what am I doing now? Apart from writing a blog entry, I'm chatting with two friends and trying to watch the Euro 2004 final.

I'm going to end this entry because I totally lost the will to write anything.

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